health education define and stages

Health Education

Definition: Health education like general education is concerned with the change in knowledge feeling and behavior of people.

We have described in article :

Aim and object of health education

Stages of health education

Content of health education

Principal of health education

Different method of health education

health education

Aims and objective of health education:

  1. To cultivate the desirable health practices and health habits.
  2. To develop the health attitudes.
  3. To appreciate the health programmes undertaken and to improve the school and community. 
  4. To develop health consciousness in the school and in the community.
  5. To teach pupils the rules for the preservation and development of their physical, mental and emotional health.
  6. To eradicate the disease through health drive programmes.
  7. To remove the superstition in the community.
  8. To provide a healthful environment for physical and mental growth.
  9. To improve the general conditions of living m the community.
  10. To instruct the children and youth so as to conserve and improve their own health.

Stages of health education:

  1.  Awareness:  At this stage, the person comes to know about the new idea of practices.
  2. Interest:  At this stage, the person seeks more detailed information.
  3. Evaluation: At this stages, the person weight th pros and cons of the practices and evaluates it usefulness to him or his family by mental exercise and reach a decision.
  4. Trial: At this stages the positive decision is put into practice.
  5. Adoption: At this stage, the person decides that new practice is good and adopts it.

Content of health education:

  1. Human biology
  2. Nutrition
  3. Hygiene Personal and environmental.
  4. Family health care.
  5. Control of communicable and non communicable diseases
  6. Mental health.
  7. Prevention of accidents.
  8. Use of health services

Principles of health education:

  1. Interest: Unless people are interested, they will not learn. Health education should therefor relate to the interest of the people.
  2. Participation: It is based on the psychological principles of active learning.
  3. Comprehension : The teaching should be within the mental capacity of the people.
  4. Reinforcement :  Repetition of teaching at intervals is useful.
  5. Motivation : Stimulation or awakening of the desire to learn is called motivation.
  6. Learning by doing : Learning is an action process.
  7.  Known to unknown : In health education work, we proceed from the known to the unknown.
  8. Soil, seed, sower: The people are the soil, the health facts the seed and the transmittin media the sower.
  9. Good human relationship : The health educator must be kind and sympathetic, people m respect him as their real friend.
  10. Leaders :  Local leaders such village headman, the school teacher or the political leader.

Different methods of health education : 

A. Individual approach : 

  1. Personal contact or  interviews
  2. Home visits.
  3. Personal letter

B. Group approach 

  1. Lecture
  2. Demonstrations
  3. Discussion methods : 
  • Group discussion
  • Panel discussion
  • Seminar
  • Symposium
  • Workshop
  • Convention
  • Conference

C. Mass communications : 

  1. Television
  2. Radio
  3. Films
  4. Poster
  5. Health magazine
  6. Health museum.

2 Responses

  1. Zahid says:

    Good and informative content.

  2. tlover tonet says:

    Great post. I am facing a couple of these problems.

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