Pre Eclampsia : symptoms, treatment & complication

Pre eclampsia

Define : Pre – eclampsia is defined as the development of hypertension in pregnancy together with proteinuria and generalized oedema after 20th weeks of gestation.

We have described in article :

Classify type of pre eclampsia

Risk factor of pre eclampsia

Objectives of management of pre - eclampsia

Clinical features of pre eclampsia

Investigations of pre eclampsia.

Treatmen of pre eclampsia

Complications of Pre eclampsia

How can you prevent pre eclampsia

Diagnostic criteria of pre – eclampsia : 

  1. Hypertension
  2. Oedema
  3. Proteinuria

Classify type of pre – eclampsia : 

Clinical types of pre – eclampsia : Proteinuria is more significant than BP to predict fetal outcome.

A) Non – severe pre- eclampsia : Mild pre – eclampsia includes sustained rise of BP> 140/90 mm Hg but <160/110 mm Hg without significant proteinuria.

B) Severe pre – eclampsia :  Features of severe pre – eclampsia are as follows : 

  1. A persistent SBP of >_ 160 mm Hg or DBP of >_ 110 mm Hg.
  2. Persistent severe epigastric pain.
  3. Cerebral or visual disturbances.
  4. Oliguria 
  5. Protein excretion of > 5 g / 24 hours.
  6. Platelet count < 1,00,000 /mm3
  7. HELLP syndrome.
  8. Retinal hemorrhage, exudates or papilloedema.
  9. Intra – uterine growth restriction of the fetus.
  10. Pulmonary oedema.

Risk factor of pre eclampsia : 

  1. Primigravida : young or elderly.
  2. Family history : (hypertension or pre – eclampsia).
  3. Placental abnormalities : Hyperplacentosis, placental ischaemia.
  4. Obesity : BMI > 35 kg/ m2, insulin resistance.
  5. Pre – existing vascular disease.
  6. New paternity, pregnancy following ART.
  7. Thrombophilias.

Objectives of management of pre – eclampsia / principles of management of pre – eclampsia :

As the exact aetiology of pre – eclampsia remains obscure, the treatment is mostly empirical and symptomatic with the following principles : 

  1. To stabilize hypertension and to prevent its progression to severe pre – eclampsia.
  2. To prevent the complications.
  3. To prevent eclampsia.
  4. Delivery of a healthy baby in optimal time with minimal maternal mortality.
  5. Restoration of the health of the mother in puerperium.

Clinical featuresof pre – eclampsia

A) History :  H/O of other obstetric comorbidity may be present, e.g. multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, pre – existing HTN & GDM.

B) Onset : Clinical manifestations appear usually after the 20 th week.

C) Symptoms of pre  eclampsia : 

a) MIld symptoms : 

  • slight swelling over the ankles
  • Gradually the swelling may extend to the face, abdominal wall, vulva or even the whole body.

b) Alarming symptoms : 

  • Headache
  • DIsturbed sleep
  • Diminished urinary output
  • Eye symptoms
  • Epigastric pain

D) SIgn of pre  eclampsia

  1. Abnormal wight gain
  2. Rise of blood pressure
  3. Oedema
  4. Sign of chronic placental insufficiency  : eg. scanty liquor or IUGR may be present.
  5. Pulmonary oedema (may  be present)
  6. Absence of pre – existing chronic cardio – vascular or renal pathology.

Investigations of pre – eclampsia : 

A) Urine examination : 

  1. Heat coagulation test to detect proteinuria
  2. Urine R/M/E
  3. 24 hours urine collection for protein measurement.

B) Blood examination : 

  1. Seurm uric acid level : A serum uric acid level is the biochemical marker of the pre – eclampsia. Raised serum uric acid level (>4.5 mg / dl) indicates  pre – eclampsia.
  2. S. creatinine : May be >1 mg /dI.
  3. Thrombocytopenia or abnormal coagulation profile of varying degree  may be present. 
  4. Hepatic enzymes.
  5. Blood urea may be normal or slightly raised.

C) Ultrasonography.

Treatment of pre eclampsia : 

A) General treatment  :

  1. Urgent hospitalization
  2. Adequate rest.
  3. Diet : Diet should contain adequate protein  and fluid intake is restricted.

B) Specific treatment : 

1.  Anti – hypertensive therapy : Anti hypertensives has limited value in controlling BP in pre – eclampsia.

Drug used : 

  • Oral drug : alpha methyl dopa, Nifedipine, Labetolol, Hydralazine.
  • Parenteral : Labetolol, Hydralazine, Nitroglycerine, and Na- Nitroprusside.

2.  Sedatives : To cut down emotional factor mild sedative may be given orally  : such as Diazepam 5 mg or phenobarbitone 60 mg at bed time orally.

3.  Maintaining a progress chart : 

  • Blood pressure  :  4 times a day.
  • Fluid intake – output chart along with state of oedema and daily weight.
  • Daily urine examination for proteinuria and if present estimation of total amount of protein in 24 hours urine.
  • Investigation : Haematocrit, Platelet count, uric acid, S. creatinine, LFT (weekly).
  • Ophthalmic examination.
  • Fetal wellbeing assessment.

C) Obstetric treatment :

Obstetric management is depends upon the following features : 

  • Severity of pr – eclampsia
  • Duration of pregnancy
  • Response of treatment

1) If the maternal condition and response to the treatment is satisfactory :  Pregnancy may be continued up to term & after term the termination of pregnancy will be done accordingly.

2) If maternal condition and response to the treatment is not satisfactory : The choice of treatment is immediate termination of pregnancy irrespective of fetal outcome. THe termination of pregnancy is done by – 

  • Induction of labour (medical or surgical)
  • Caesarean section.

D) Care of the patient during puerperium :

  1. Close observation of the patient for at least 48hrs.
  2. Anti – hypertensive drugs should be continued if DBP>_ 100 mm Hg.
  3. Patient should be kept in the hospital till the BP is brought down to a safe level & proteinuria disappears.

Prevent of convulsion in pre – eclampsia : 

Prophylactic MGSO4, therapy is used to prevent convulsion (Dose is same as eclampsia).

Complications of Pre – eclampsia : 

Immediate : 

A) Maternal complications : 

a) During pregnancy : 

  1. Eclampsia (2%).
  2. Antepartum hemorrhage (placental abruption).
  3. Oliguria and anuria (Acute renal failure).
  4. Cardiac failure.
  5. HELLP syndrome.
  6. Dimness of vision and even blindness.
  7. Premature labour.

b) During labour :
1. Eclampsia

2. PPH & shock

C) Puerperium :

  1. Eclampsia (within 48 hours).
  2. Puerperal sepsis and septic shock.

B) Fetal complications : 

Remote complications

  1. Residual hypertension
  2. Recurrent pre – eclampsia.

How can you prevent pre – eclampsia : 

  1. Regular ANC : For rapid weight gain / high BP / S. uric acid level (in selective cases).
  2. Balanced diet
  • HIgh protein & low salt diet
  •  Fish oil.
  • Ca ++ (2 g/day), Mg & Zn supplement.

3. Anti – oxidant : Vitamin A,C & E supplement from 20 weeks of pregnancy.

4. Anti – thrombotic agent : Low – dose Aspirin 60 mg daily.

5. Heparin or LMWH : Is useful in women with thrombophillia & with high risk pregnancy.

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  1. January 27, 2023

    […] Pre – eclampsia : Pre- eclampsia is defined as the development of hypertension in pregnancy together with proteinuria and generalized oedema after 20th weeks of gestation. […]

  2. April 15, 2023

    […] Pre Eclampsia […]

  3. April 19, 2023

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